
英文翻訳テクニック (ちくま新書)







“Isn’t it time you went off to your meeting, Dad? I can manage here if you just turn the sign on the door to ”Closed” as you go out.”


Duster in hand, Sarah pulled the stepladder脚立 into position in front of the bookcase and began to climb up. It was cramped拘束 here in the storeroom but at least she could see through into the shop if need be. Now, though, she scanned the shelves carefully, reading the title on the spine of each book in turn and checking them against a list in her head.


“Are you sure? You have already worked so hard today, keeping an eye on the cutomers as well as sorting through all the old stock. I don’t like leaving everything to you.” William Bryant glanced around the shop with faintly troubled grey eyes before darting a frowning look at his watch.

「大丈夫かい?今日は、在庫を整理しながらお客の相手までして、一日中働いていただろう。なんでもかんでもおまえにさせるわけにはいかないよ。」William Bryantはかすかに心配な目をして店の中を見回してから、険しい目つきで時計に目をやった。

“I will be fine and, anyway, there really is not a lot more I can do here now. Philip will be along soon to pick me up.”
Sarah smiled affectionately down at the top of her father’s head, wishing that she could ease some of his anxieties. But he was a reserved man, always keeping things bottled up and holding his worries to himself.


He was in his late fifties and she could see now that his once thick brown hair was beginning to thin at the crown and there were definite streaks of silver around his temples.


“You go on,” she said.” I know how anxious you are to talk things through with the accountant and it’s good of him to see you after work like this.”
A flick of the soft yellow cloth brought a shower of dust raining down on her and she coughed and wafted it away with her hand. It was a good thing that she had thought to bring a change of clothes with her today. As soon as she had finished this last job she would take time out to freshen up.


“He’s a friend,” her father said absently, still hesitating. “You know, I thought we might put one or two seventeenth-century maps of the local area on display before morning that might bring a few more people in and there was a customer earlier asking about that book of verse


“I’m looking for it now, Da. Don’t worry. Go off to your meeting.”
“Well……if you think you will be all right---“
“I do,” she said firmly. “Off you go.”


He went on his way at last and for the next half-hour she was able to concentrate fully on the task in hand, rubbing her cloth over the old leather-bound volumes and putting to one side the ones that she wanted for tomorrow.


The book of verse was on the top shelf and she reached for it, straining upwards just as the shop’s doorbell jangled. Hearing it, she smiled. That had to be Phillip. No one else was likely to be dropping by at this time of the evening.
“I’m just finishing off in here, Phillip, darling,” she threw back over her shoulder as her fingers closed on the book. “Why don’t you go through to the office and help yourself to coffee while you are waiting? It’s freshly made. I just need to get out of these clothes and then I’ll join you.”


“Now, that,” drawledものうげなのばしたa deep, huskily edged male voice, “has to be the best offer I’ve had all day.”
It was definitely not the voice that Sarah had been expecting. It tingled over her spine in a way that was distinctly unsettling and Sarah’s head turned in shock, her startled gaze running over the tall figure of the man who stood framed in the open doorway of the storeroom. Warm colour rushed into her cheeks.
